Machine learning to predict San Francisco crime

In today's post, we document our submission to the recent Kaggle competition aimed at predicting the category of San Francisco crimes, given only their time and location of occurrence. As a reminder, Kaggle is a site where one can compete with...

Forecasting Bike Sharing Demand

In today's post, we document our efforts at applying a gradient boosted trees model to forecast bike sharing demand -- a problem posed in a recent Kagglecompetition. For those not familiar, Kaggle is a site where one can compete with other data...

Machine learning for facial recognition

A guest post, contributed by Damien Ramunno-Johnson (LinkedIn, bio-sketch) Follow @efavdb Follow us on twitter for new submission alerts! Introduction The ability to identify faces is a skill that people develop very early in life and can apply...

Machine learning with wearable sensors

A guest post, contributed by Damien Ramunno-Johnson (LinkedIn, bio-sketch) Follow @efavdb Follow us on twitter for new submission alerts! Introduction Wearable sensors have become increasingly popular over the last few years with the success of...